アトピー性皮膚炎 九州大学医学部皮膚科学教室TOPへ
要旨 はじめに 研究目的 研究方法 結果 考察 参考文献
1) Camp, R. D., S. Reitamo, et al. Cyclosporin A in severe, therapy-resistant atopic dermatitis: report of an international workshop, April 1993. Br J Dermatol 129(2): 217-20, 1993
2) Wahlgren CF, Scheynius A, Hagermark O. Antipruritic effect of oral cyclosporin A in atopic dermatitis. Acta Derm Venereol 70(4): 323-9, 1990
3) Sowden JM, Berth-Jones J, et al. Double-blind, controlled, crossover study of cyclosporin in adults with severe refractory atopic dermatitis. Lancet 338(8760): 137-40, 1991
4) Salek MS, Finlay AY, et al. Cyclosporin greatly improves the quality of life of adults with severe atopicdermatitis. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Br J Dermatol 129(4): 422-30, 1993
5) van Joost T, Heule F, et al. Cyclosporin in atopic dermatitis: a multicentre placebo-controlled study. Br J Dermatol May 130(5): 634-40, 1994
6) Czech W, Brautigam M, et al. A body-weight-independent dosing regimen of cyclosporine microemulsion is effective in severe atopic dermatitis and improves the quality of life. J Am Acad Dermatol 42(4): 653-9, 2000
7) Zurbriggen B, Wuthrich B, et al. Comparison of two formulations of cyclosporin A in the treatment of severe atopic dermatitis. A double-blind, single-centre, cross-over pilot study. Dermatology 198(1): 56-60, 1999
8) Ross JS, Camp RD. Cyclosporin A in atopic dermatitis. Br J Dermatol 122 Suppl 36: 41-5, 1990
9) Zonneveld IM, De Rie MA, et al. The long-term safety and efficacy of cyclosporin in severe refractory atopic dermatitis: a comparison of two dosage regimens. Br J Dermatol 135 Suppl 48: 15-20, 1996
10) Sepp, N. and P. O. Fritsch. Can cyclosporin A induce permanent remission of atopic dermatitis? Br J Dermatol 128(2): 213-6, 1993
11) Berth-Jones, J., R. A. Graham-Brown, et al. Long-term efficacy and safety of cyclosporin in severe adult atopic dermatitis. Br J Dermatol 136(1): 76-81, 1997
12) Munro CS, Levell NJ, et al. Maintenance treatment with cyclosporin in atopic eczema. Br J Dermatol 130(3): 376-80, 1994
13) Granlund, H., P. Erkko, et al. Cyclosporin in atopic dermatitis: time to relapse and effect of intermittent therapy. Br J Dermatol 132(1): 106-12, 1995
14) Granlund H, Erkko P, Reitamo S. Long-term follow up of eczema patients treated with cyclosporin. Acta Derm Venereol 78: 40-3, 1998
15)今山修平, 久保田由美子ほか. 重症アトピー性皮膚炎患者のサイクロスポリン治療: 臨床効果と作用機序の検討. 西日皮膚 54: 1141-7, 1992
16)久保田由美子, 今山修平ほか. アトピー性皮膚炎の免疫抑制療法-サイクロスポリンの長期投与の効果と安全性についての検討- 西日皮膚 61: 271-8, 1999
17) Harper JI, Ahmed I, et al. Cyclosporin for severe childhood atopic dermatitis: short course versus continuous therapy. Br J Dermatol 142(1): 52-8, 2000
18) Campbell D, Kemp A. Cyclosporion restores cytokine imbalance in childhood atopic dermatitis. J allergy Clin Immunol 99: 857-9, 1997
19) Berth-Jones J, Finaly A, et al. Cyclosporin in severe childhood atopic dermatitis: A multicenter study. J Am Acad Dermatol 34: 1016-21, 1996
20) Zaki, I., R. Emerson, et al. Treatment of severe atopic dermatitis in childhood with cyclosporin. Br J Dermatol 135 Suppl 48: 21-4, 1996
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